Musings: I'm here driven women who are here to do big things

Uncategorized Apr 28, 2022
I work with driven women who are here to do big things.
Love is one of the important things on that list because a relationship is the place they see themselves becoming more of who they want to be and supporting them in living more big. Their relationship will be their rock & their mirror.
In addition to finding love, after working with me clients have:
✨Expanded their businesses (many of my clients work as business owners or in sales)
✨2 clients I’m aware of published books, spoke on stages
✨Got their dream job
✨Started living lives that were in even more alignment
✨MANY quit the job that they knew wasn’t meant for them & found their purpose & better aligned job, or were thinking about their next career move, or had just started a new aligned job.
I meet women who are just at a new point of becoming.
Which means, many of them have also just left relationships or just been broken up with. Heartbreak is one of the...
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Should You Hire a Matchmaker Or a Love Coach?

Uncategorized Apr 19, 2022


A matchmaker helps you find people to date. They take your personality & criteria and match you with clients in their data-base who could be potential fits.

Matchmakers work great for those who have trouble finding people to date. Yet, these matchmaker services do not teach you how to date. Once they match you together, you’re both on your own.

They can range from $4,000-$50,000 dollars. 

A matchmaker can’t guarantee you’ll fall in love, get into a committed relationship, or get married & build a family. They provide you with dates with prospective, compatible matches, so you will not have to spend a lot of time finding & arranging dates yourself. But the rest is up to you. 

It’s a good option for someone whose ONLY issue is finding qualified matches.

Love Coach

For most of my clients, finding potential matches isn’t a problem. Swiping right on an app can match them with many potential candidates to meet for coffee...

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Why Shorter Coaching Packages/1-Off Sessions Don't Work

Uncategorized Apr 19, 2022

Why coaching with me requires at least 3 months

We can't possibly uncover & rewire all your blocks (root causes) in one or two sessions or even 2 months of sessions. It takes time to really peel back all the layers behind your current results. The more time you have with coaching support, the better.

There are multiple phases to what I do:

The first phase of our work is awareness & discovery - this can take from 1 month to 3 months. (depending on how many issues we are looking at)

The second phase is healing & rewiring - this starts around month 2 or 3, depending how much needs to be rewired & how deep it is.

The third phase is future looking & new identity - this usually begins at the end of month 3 - now that you have locked in a new identity, how do you move forward, what new tools do you need for where you want to go.

The fourth phase is new tools for a new future - this starts whenever the integration of the first...

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What is Embodied Transformational Coaching?

Uncategorized Apr 19, 2022

Why You Aren't Seeing Results

So many women are out there trying so hard to find the one “magical thing to DO” that will shift their love life.  They are chasing information. But despite doing everything they can possibly do and try, they are either in the same place in their love life, or often, they are in an even more painful and stuck experience than when they started.

It doesn’t feel fair, does it?  If we are making so much effort and working SO hard, why shouldn’t we get the results we are desiring?

The issue is not in the effort… it is WHERE they are focusing. They simply have a lack of understanding of WHY they are creating the same types of love life relationships and scenarios again & again. They don’t know what the mechanics are of the inner conditioning of their mind, subconscious beliefs, & nervous system.

They are simply missing the RIGHT kind of solution because they are missing what the real root cause is.


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